Net es un elemento de hormigón armado que responde a la doble función de papelera y cenicero en clara referencia a las vasijas cerámicas tradicionales. Gracias a sus características formales Net representa el paradigma de una aproximación más sensual a los objetos moldeados en hormigón se integra en cualquier entorno de manera natural.
Net was designed as a complement to the Sit bench, with the objective of creating rounded site furnishings that are cannot be associated with any historical period.
It has a dual function and can be used as both a bin and an ashtray. The Net litter bin has a telescopic system concealed inside it with a ring for attaching the waste bag that is easy to handle and requires no maintenance. If the Net is used as an ashtray, it must be filled with sand to a height that allows a cigarette to be extinguished and the ash to fall into the bin.
Moulded concrete with an etched finish and in the Escofet standard chart colour. Stainless steel ring to secure the bag in place.
Concealed installation by means of three threaded bolts with a rustproof protective finish in holes previously drilled in the paving and filled with epoxy resin or rich mortar.
Photography: Wenzel Fotografía.